holistic design and building
frankfurt/main | palma de mallorca | regensburg


According to Dr. Sam Osmanagich, the largest and, at 25,000 years, oldest pyramid complex on earth is located in Visoko, Bosnia.

The mystical, newly discovered pyramids in Bosnia, tunnel systems, stone formations and other special places of power have a noticeable and measurable positive effect on our immune system and our health and are known as places of healing.

These trips were about geomancy and healing, not archaeology and facts and figures.
The emotional experience and the effect of the various energetic qualities, as well as the activation, revitalization and integration of our “four bodies” (body-feeling-mind-soul) were central themes.

The geomancy journeys took place at different locations in Bosnia.
Every day we meditated in the tunnel systems and at the power places, did systemic constellations and practiced our own powers of perception.

Finding peace, clearing our minds, collecting ourselves, centering ourselves and experiencing and exploring the geomantic aspects of the power places were important parts of the trip.